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George Freeland Portage

The short George to Freeland Lake portage in Killarney Provincial Park. Feeland Lake is in the foreground

Cooling off at sunset.jpg IMG_0052.jpg First campsite.jpg George Freeland Portage.jpg DSCN4912.JPG 076.JPG Black_River_day_trip_002.jpg
File information
Filename:George Freeland Portage.jpg
Album name:dthomsen / Ontario
Rating (7 votes):11111(Show details)
Keywords:Freeland / George / Portage / Killarney / Provincial / Park
Photo Credit:dthomsen
Date:July 2003
Filesize:817 KiB
Date added:Nov 11, 2005
Dimensions:1024 x 768 pixels
Displayed:813 times
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