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Lake Huron - Bayfield, ON

After paddling along the Bayfield River, past Hwy 21 bridge and through Harbour Lights Marnia and out into the depths of Lake Huron. This is what is left of a sunken Steamer that was hauled from Owen Sound and then from Goderich. It is stuck about a half mile from Bayfield beach. The boys were quite nervous on this paddle...they were glad when we went ashore for lunch and a swim.

Chiniguchi 008.jpg 018_Water_Lilly.jpg bear_2_01.JPG Bayfield_Steamer_wreck_in_Lake_Huron.jpg Bayfield_River_near_Hwy_21_bridge_westbound.jpg Bayfield_River_heading_to_Lake_Huron.jpg Beach campiste.jpg
File information
Album name:gregor / Ontario
Rating (2 votes):44444(Show details)
Keywords:Bayfield, / canoeing, / Lake / Huron, / Steamer / sunken / ship, / paddling
Photo Credit:Gregory West
Filesize:66 KiB
Date added:Apr 12, 2006
Dimensions:1024 x 768 pixels
Displayed:1344 times
EXIF Image Height:768 pixels
FlashPix Version:version 1
Resolution Unit:Inch
Y Resolution:72 dots per ResolutionUnit
YCbCrPositioning:Datum Point
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