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Public Landing at Dunlop Lake South Shore

Near Elliott Lake.
The south shore has been sold off for cottage lots, and there is now a public landing about 2/3 down the lake. The road is signed as leading to "Dunlop Shores" and the new parking lot is near holds maybe 30 cars. There is a (mediocre) camp site right at the portage leading to Ten Mile Lake.

resizedIMG_0035.JPG Image-51.jpg Image-42.jpg Dunlop_Loop_S-small.jpg Opeongo_Outfitters_water_taxi.jpg matabitchuan_sunset.JPG Czar_hauls_pack.jpg
File information
Album name:erhard / Ontario
Rating (1 votes):44444(Show details)
Filesize:57 KiB
Date added:Aug 19, 2008
Dimensions:755 x 222 pixels
Displayed:752 times
EXIF Image Height:222 pixels
Resolution Unit:Inch
Y Resolution:72 dots per ResolutionUnit
YCbCrPositioning:Center of Pixel Array
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