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portage leading into Dusty from Mozhabong

the first few 100m are across spagnum moss, but at this point the ground is reasonably firm just like a portage should be....

IMGP1649.JPG P1010045.jpg P1010043.jpg Imgp3954.jpg 018_Water_Lilly.jpg fallsdown.jpg runningrapids.jpg
File information
Album name:erhard / Ontario
Rating (1 votes):00000(Show details)
Photo Credit:Rene Leptien - Germany
Filesize:112 KiB
Date added:Jan 24, 2006
Dimensions:739 x 554 pixels
Displayed:522 times
EXIF Image Height:554 pixels
FlashPix Version:version 1
Resolution Unit:Inch
Y Resolution:72 dots per ResolutionUnit
YCbCrPositioning:Center of Pixel Array
Favorites:Add to Favorites