599 viewsNortheast Georgian Bay; Naiscoot River to Pickerel River
late season paddle527 views
late season paddle443 views
late season paddle496 views
late season paddle488 views
late season paddle482 views
Winisk River707 viewsNorthern lights
Algonquin_not a b&w photo434 views
Obabika - Sturgeon confluence539 views
Opeongo Outfitters water taxi535 viewsat the dock on Opeongo
Obabika River Falls560 viewsTaken May 2, 2007 at 1:30PM
Obabika River Falls500 viewsTaken on May 2, 2007
Obabika River at Falls looking upstream519 views
Moon River '04648 views
Moon River '04506 views
Moon River '04473 views
Moon River '04407 views
Moon River '04425 views
Two flat water canoeists trying to keep it afloat!521 viewsMy sister and I - I know, I know, get your hand up higher on the paddle! The water temp was almost like a bath water - good thing, we got wet a couple of times.
Upper Magnetwwan Trip - Ross Rapids515 viewsBy the end of this run we were still upright but we decided to put out and empty the gear then turn the canoe over - quicker than bailing the few gallons we took on
Upper Magnetawan - Lower Burnt Chutes518 viewsThis was perhaps the most challangeing run of the trip - here we're past the difficult stretch and are about to start to celebrate
1947 truck at Devil's Lake end570 viewsPortage to Sheldon Lake. Truck used to haul stuff for the cottage owners
What now?537 viewsNo bridge, ha, ha!
Portage from Devil's lake to Sheldon566 viewsMid point beaver pond with bridge out. Had to load and paddle to the other side.
View down Sheldon Lake514 viewsEvening at campsite
QEIIWPP - campsite584 viewsmy Hilleberg Keron GT tent
QEIIWPP - Curious sign592 viewsThis sign was on the portage from Victoria Lake to Wolf Lake
QEIIWPP - garbage582 viewsThis was found on a lunch spot halfway down Sheldon Lake. Some people would leave the whole house if they could!!
Sheldon Lake Lunch518 viewsLunch stop down the lake. Paddled around the lake
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