Image search results - "grand" |

On the water day 1169 views

Merlin Taking it Easy170 viewsDan sits back 'n rests a spell

Uneven Portage Carry153 viewsDave and Sandy experiencing a problem with portaging due to a height differential

Hanging Around226 viewsDarren Cope, Matt Fallowfield and Rick Pargeter visiting at the Grand River gathering

Danny and Donny140 viewsDan and Don ... just hangin' out

Cool Weather187 viewsFrost on the window ... we had some cold temperatures

Group Shot170 viewsA group shot of the gang at Byng Island Campground

Donny Martini's224 viewsDonny manning his martini bar

Lunch time landing351 viewsLanded for lunch and then explored the Old Mill located down a short trail from here.

Grand River Mill114 viewsThe old mill along the Grand River. Sorry Brian, I forget all of your wonderful historical details!

Looking downstream from the campsite138 viewsA shot of the Grand RIver looking downstream from the SOG(GY)'05 campsite.

Urban Portage123 viewsWell, it's not exactly "wilderness tripping," but the Grand River does provide a nice little jaunt closer to "home" for many in Southern Ontario. This photo was taken at our take-out point in Paris, where we loaded up the trailers.