Most viewed - Newfoundland & Labrador |

Watch Hill7989 viewsI stumbled across this scene while bushwaking across the barrens south of Petty Harbour. Fortune Gullies is in the forground and Watch Hill in the background. Many small animal tracks lead straight into the pond.

Churchill Falls3858 viewsAll that is left of a falls that was twice the size and power of Niagara.

Flatrock - October 20053113 viewsOK, so its not a canoe trip. Just went for a walk down the road from my new home.

Cliffs2980 viewsCliffs on the Kanairiktok River

Newfoundland2816 viewsKenkebeck Lake, put-in

Trappers Tilt2751 viewsWe find a trasppers tilt near the Naskaupi River. Probably 50 - 60 years old.

Grand Lake2640 viewsCampsite on Grand Lake

Hiking2529 viewsDallas hiking a caribou trail near the Naskaupi River.

Grubby2356 viewsAbout 12 days in, somewhere on the Kanairiktok River. Looking kind of grubby.

Newfoundland2345 viewsEvening at Maelpeg Pond

Naskaupi Campsite2184 viewsCamped for the evening, somewhere on the Naskaupi River.

Kanairiktok River2040 viewsThats' me

Nameless rapid, Naskaupi River.1981 viewsSix kilometers of solid class 2-3

Sailing1966 viewsWe make a tri hull rig from the three canoes and saoil for almost two days, Snegamook Lake, Labrador.

Portage?1958 viewsMid way through a 10K portage. Rob seems to be saying "where's the water"

Labrador Sea1918 viewsOn the Hopedale run, end of Kanairiktok River trip, Labrador Sea, cold wet and loving every minute!

Grand Lake1917 viewsLunch break in the fog and mist.

Starting Out1803 viewsLoading up the turbo Otter, Goose Lake

Upriver on the Naskaupi.1795 viewsFollowing the Hubbard route of 1905.

Wallace Portage1763 viewsWhere Dillon Wallace started his overland trek to Seal Lake in 1905

North West River1743 viewsAbout to push off for the Naskaupi, same spot as Hubbard in 1903 / 1905

Sunset Kanairiktok1589 views