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Pekans - Moisie portage

It took us a while to find start of Pekans/Moisie portage. Very buggy - blackflies. Portage trail wasn't easy to follow esp. at the start. At one point, side path splits off to the right (but then ends soon). Main trail goes straight up the rock and it's hard to see. We portaged in two and a half passes. It was a very hard portage: rocky, muddy at the places, with one gully to cross.

1581LK_[74]_Dan_and_Marilyn_paddling_Moisie.jpg 0472LC_[292.5]_Marilyn_at_top_of_the_waterfall.jpg 0491LK_[291.9]_George_and_Lew_runnning_R2.jpg 0513LK_[287]_Pekans_-_Moisie_portage.jpg 0668LK_[261.2]_French_people_at_the_waterfall.jpg 0768LK_[229]_Quiet_deep_water_canyon_on_Moisie.jpg 0238LC_[354]_Paddling_L3.jpg
File information
Album name:wolverine / Quebec
Rating (1 votes):22222(Show details)
Keywords:Pekans / Moisie / portage
Photo Credit:Lester Kovac
Date:August 4, 2006
Place Taken:52:11:46.85 N 66:49:27.88 W
Route Name:Pekans/Moisie
Filesize:304 KiB
Date added:Jan 18, 2008
Dimensions:1280 x 960 pixels
Displayed:916 times
EXIF Image Height:960 pixels
FlashPix Version:version 1
Resolution Unit:Inch
Y Resolution:72 dots per ResolutionUnit
YCbCrPositioning:Datum Point
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