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Pictographs Gammon River

Colors have been enhanced with Photoshop, but these pictographs are unusually bright. (I rarely photograph pictos as a sign out of respect for some who believe they should not be photographed - and when I do photograph them I always manipulate the image.)

Picture_160compressed.jpg Picture_314.jpg Picture_353.jpg gammonpictosBreckenridge.jpg BerensBayBreckenridge.jpg PisewFallsBreckenridge.jpg eskerlakesBreckenridge.jpg
File information
Album name:paddlenorth / Manitoba
Rating (5 votes):11111(Show details)
Keywords:Pictograph / Gammon / River
Photo Credit:A. Breckenridge
Date:Summer 2001
Filesize:636 KiB
Date added:Nov 16, 2005
Dimensions:1000 x 591 pixels
Displayed:371 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites