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Home > Canoe Routes > Ontario
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portage - with boards and worn skidoo tracks

probably by ATV crowd, to counteract effects of erosion from ATV use

P7210063-1.jpg Shaggy Designs~0.jpg upper.jpeg Image-70.jpg 048_small.jpg Maryse_borde_Michel_dans_son_kayak.jpg 05~1.jpg
File information
Album name:erhard / Ontario
Rating (1 votes):33333(Show details)
Filesize:54 KiB
Date added:Aug 21, 2008
Dimensions:356 x 516 pixels
Displayed:632 times
EXIF Image Height:516 pixels
Resolution Unit:Inch
Y Resolution:72 dots per ResolutionUnit
YCbCrPositioning:Center of Pixel Array
Favorites:Add to Favorites