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Young Hawk

Young hawk in fledgling stage - there was 2 of them along the road into the southern access of Obabika Lk. - both still learning to fly. I took 3 pictures and then he flew down the road about 150 yds before landing again.

Owl_eyes_2.JPG Moose.jpg P1060668.jpg younghawk2.jpg DSCF0368_filtered2.jpg Blue Heron.jpg White_Moose_2.jpg
File information
Album name:smokey / Wildlife
Rating (5 votes):44444(Show details)
Keywords:young / hawk
Photo Credit:Sid Bredin
Filesize:484 KiB
Date added:Nov 19, 2005
Dimensions:1500 x 988 pixels
Displayed:338 times
Digital Zoom Ratio:1
EXIF Image Height:988 pixels
FlashPix Version:version 1
Resolution Unit:Inch
Y Resolution:180 dots per ResolutionUnit
YCbCrPositioning:Center of Pixel Array
Favorites:Add to Favorites