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Lake Vonsjöen, Rögen Nature reserve - Sweden

Only a heavy and long portage (~4km) over very difficult terrain, bolder fields and a raindeer fence, will bring you to this beautiful place...

Canada_family_trip_Summer_2004_084.jpg DSCN3610.JPG 0032.jpg 0037.jpg elk river (2005).jpg Homemade cherry paddles.jpg 017.3CaveSpring-copy.jpg
File information
Album name:Michel vd Hoven / Other (US, International)
Rating (1 votes):44444(Show details)
Keywords:Sweden, / Rogen
Photo Credit:Robert & Michel van den Hoven
Date:august 2005
Filesize:879 KiB
Date added:Jan 05, 2006
Dimensions:1818 x 1228 pixels
Displayed:198 times
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