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Home > Events > 2005 - Spring Gathering Grand River
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Lunch time landing

Landed for lunch and then explored the Old Mill located down a short trail from here.

Tim & Danny Cressman below Blue Chute.jpg Dinner.jpg Group Photo Ralph Bice Gathering.jpg Lunch on the Grand.jpg AlBaars.jpg Canoe 007.jpg Georgi.jpg
File information
Filename:Lunch on the Grand.jpg
Album name:dthomsen / 2005 - Spring Gathering Grand River
Rating (1 votes):33333(Show details)
Keywords:Grand / Gathering / Mill
Photo Credit:dthomsen
Filesize:810 KiB
Date added:Nov 18, 2005
Dimensions:1024 x 768 pixels
Displayed:351 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites