Proud Mommy with Kobe365 views
Herb Pohl170 views
Herb Pohl175 views
Herb Pohl225 views
Herb Pohl109 viewsHerb Pohl on the Clearwater River in Northern Quebec
Hermes' Makobe Sundance161 viewsPuppy Kobe at 4 weeks
187 viewswww.algonquinsofpikwakanagan.com
The Only pic of the Clipper SCout100 views
First paddle adventure for Isabelle in their new boat87 views
Penobscot 18'6 first time on the water96 views
Paddle Warriors - the next generation....98 views
detail of "pine sap trap"142 viewssee http://www.gallery.myccr.com/albums/userpics/11594/IMGP0095.JPG
"Pine sap trap"131 viewsTo get a stash of pine sap for canoe repair, people used to create a "trap" by notching a tree and let the sap accumulate over time. Thus they would have a stash of resin at their frequented camp sites whenever needed.
Geodesic marker131 viewsOn Paul Lake, part of the Sturgeon River in the northern Temagami area
Cdn Canoe Museum - detail of birch bark canoe113 views
Cdn Canoe Museum - sampler of the many boats there122 views
Cdn Canoe Museum - decoration on birchbark canoe122 views
Cdn Canoe Museum - decorated bow115 views
Cdn Canoe Museum - Harpoon on kayak118 views
Work by Frank Polson from Long Point Reserve, PQ155 views
Cdn Canoe Museum - detail of Montreal Canoe setup130 views
Cdn Canoe Museum - pemmican sample127 views
Cdn Canoe Museum - one of the different Voyageur outfits135 views
Cdn Canoe Museum - woodworking shop128 views
Cdn Canoe Museum - sectioned canoe134 views
Cdn Canoe Museum - Bill Mason's paiting tools201 views
Cdn Canoe Museum - Bill Mason's campsite145 views
Eric Morse's gear136 views
Cdn Canoe Museum - Bill Mason Display - photographic tools195 views
Cdn Canoe Museum - Bill Mason Display - Canada157 views"It is as if God made the canoe and then set about creating a country in which it could flourish. That country was Canada."