Rapid - Ashuapmushuan614 views
Day3 - Ashuapmushuan540 views
La Chaudière Rapids - Ashuapmushuan603 views
Upper La Chaudière Rapids - Ashuapmushuan558 views
Riviere aux Feuilles366 views
Black River 2007671 views
Riviere Mistassibi441 views
Riviere aux Feuilles366 viewsRed Bay at low tide. We had to carry everything above the tide line 50 feet up a steep bank
Riviere Mistassibi452 views
Riviere Mistassibi441 views
Camping on the Pekans544 viewsOur first campsite on the Pekans River, heading towards the Moisie.
Eddy Out !694 viewsMike Johns in good form heading into an eddy.
camping site #1524 views
Gens-de-Terre river campsite #1568 views
camping site #2552 views
Riviere Temiscamie390 viewsAfter 2 days of portage from Lac Albanel we are on the Riviere Temiscamie enjoying supper
Riviere aux Feuilles374 viewsInuit tent along the Riviere aux Feuilles near Lac Dulhut
Riviere aux Feuilles585 viewsMaking tea while waiting for the tide to come into the harbour of Tasiujaq. Tides regularly exceed 15m.
Riviere aux Feuilles521 viewsWindstorm
Riviere aux Feuilles533 viewsOdette & Villay
Turner Rapids on Kipawa River--Morning Mist975 views