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Dad & Son at DF2006331 views55555
(1 votes)
248 views55555
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Jubilee Gatherers.jpg
Group Photo438 views55555
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View From Site549 views55555
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Al, Scott, Chris, Julie, Tim901 views55555
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The Put In250 views55555
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A Few Gatherers.jpg
A Few Gatherers643 views55555
(1 votes)
Outer Fox Islands 2004649 viewsA great campsite in the Outer Foxes ! ( French River PP)55555
(1 votes)
The Flotilla Heads Out211 viewsThe gang head out for a day trip around the chain of lakes in Grundy Provincial Park.55555
(1 votes)
Merlin & family310 views55555
(2 votes)
Don, Jim, & Ben.jpg
Don, Jim, and Ben688 views55555
(2 votes)
252 views44444
(2 votes)
Group Picture.jpg
567 views44444
(2 votes)
Don, Jim, and Ben.jpg
Don, Jim, and Ben654 views44444
(1 votes)
Stratton Site.jpg
Stratton Lake site643 views44444
(1 votes)
Chris in poison ivy.jpg
Chris In Poison Ivy611 views44444
(1 votes)
Richard, Mason the dog, and Johnatan at Blue Chute.jpg
Richard, Mason the dog, and Johnatan at Blue Chute675 views44444
(1 votes)
Hawaiian Night257 viewsSmokey, TonyCC and Georgi socializing on Hawaiian night at Nitro Creek44444
(4 votes)
Dave - Too Funny - Thanks again281 views44444
(2 votes)
Tommy peel out.jpg
Tommy Peel Out608 views44444
(2 votes)
Group at Jubilee.jpg
Gathering around the pit425 viewsHost site at the Jubilee Lake gathering44444
(2 votes)
Group Photo277 views33333
(3 votes)
Tim & Danny Cressman below Blue Chute.jpg
Tim & Danny Cressman below Blue Chute642 views33333
(2 votes)
Dinner456 views33333
(2 votes)
Group Photo Ralph Bice Gathering.jpg
Ralph Bice Gatherers726 viewsA group photo of all who attended the Ralph Bice Lake gathering33333
(2 votes)
Lunch on the Grand.jpg
Lunch time landing351 viewsLanded for lunch and then explored the Old Mill located down a short trail from here. 33333
(1 votes)
Al Baars432 views33333
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Canoe 007.jpg
Hanging Around226 viewsDarren Cope, Matt Fallowfield and Rick Pargeter visiting at the Grand River gathering33333
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georgi - in the morning480 views33333
(1 votes)
Morning Mist211 viewsA frosty morning, but the payback was a nice display of mist hanging over the lake for the early part of the day.33333
(1 votes)
76 files on 3 page(s) 1