Most viewed - 2004 - Spring Gathering - Grand River |
The Put In249 views
Hanging Around224 viewsDarren Cope, Matt Fallowfield and Rick Pargeter visiting at the Grand River gathering
Donny Martini's221 viewsDonny manning his martini bar
On the Water Day 1 (#2)220 views
Cool Weather186 viewsFrost on the window ... we had some cold temperatures
Merlin Taking it Easy169 viewsDan sits back 'n rests a spell
Group Shot168 viewsA group shot of the gang at Byng Island Campground
On the water day 1166 views
The put in157 views
Uneven Portage Carry152 viewsDave and Sandy experiencing a problem with portaging due to a height differential
Loaded Canoe Trailer145 viewsThe trailer all loaded up - ready to haul the boats to our put-in spot for the day trip.
Danny and Donny138 viewsDan and Don ... just hangin' out
Richard at his best!133 viewsSpring Gathering, Grand River 2004