Image search results - "Bayfield," |

Entry to Lake Huron via the Bayfield River, Ontario1339 viewsWe paddled the Bayfield river and are just entering Lake Huron. It is early morning and the mist is still rising. Visibility is low out into the lake, however the shoreline can still be easily seen. It is a great paddle when the waters are calm. This lake is notorious for rough waters...

Lake Huron - Bayfield, ON1344 viewsAfter paddling along the Bayfield River, past Hwy 21 bridge and through Harbour Lights Marnia and out into the depths of Lake Huron. This is what is left of a sunken Steamer that was hauled from Owen Sound and then from Goderich. It is stuck about a half mile from Bayfield beach. The boys were quite nervous on this paddle...they were glad when we went ashore for lunch and a swim.