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Watch Hill7988 viewsI stumbled across this scene while bushwaking across the barrens south of Petty Harbour. Fortune Gullies is in the forground and Watch Hill in the background. Many small animal tracks lead straight into the pond.
Devils Elbow5665 viewsRunning the CII+/III Devil's Elbow Rapid on the North Saskatchewan River a Mad River Caption.
Stone Ara Port4986 viewsEnd of 1 mile port between Stone lake and Ara lake in Northern Ontario
Transtaiga road- campsite above Caniapiscau Reservoir/Lac Brisay3916 views,70+26+42.58W&t=h&z=12
Churchill Falls3855 viewsAll that is left of a falls that was twice the size and power of Niagara.
A different type of white water3836 viewsMy godson Jakob on Boxing day, 2005
Flatrock - October 20053110 viewsOK, so its not a canoe trip. Just went for a walk down the road from my new home.
2_Boardwalk_2010m_Portage3085 viewsBoardwalk 2010m Portage
Cliffs2976 viewsCliffs on the Kanairiktok River
Lake Kioshkokwi2818 viewsI ran to get my camera as this island emerged from the morning mist on Kioshkokwi Lake - after my very first night camped in Algonquin Provincial Park.
Newfoundland2814 viewsKenkebeck Lake, put-in
annotated topo for a discussion2772 views
Trappers Tilt2748 viewsWe find a trasppers tilt near the Naskaupi River. Probably 50 - 60 years old.
Grand Lake2637 viewsCampsite on Grand Lake
Hiking2525 viewsDallas hiking a caribou trail near the Naskaupi River.
Outer Fox Islands #22521 viewsThe Breath Taking scenery of the Outer Fox Islands
Little Madawaska River2491 viewsHogan Lake landing end of the La Muir - Hogan portage
Dmitri2360 views
Grubby2352 viewsAbout 12 days in, somewhere on the Kanairiktok River. Looking kind of grubby.
Otter Mel and Dmitri-Temagami 20032348 views
Newfoundland2341 viewsEvening at Maelpeg Pond
Full Moon at 3 a.m.2312 viewsIsland Lake
1_Carcajou_Bay2251 viewsCarcajou Bay
Wakami P.P.2210 views
Naskaupi Campsite2180 viewsCamped for the evening, somewhere on the Naskaupi River.
Algonquin Outfitters water taxi2152 viewsat the dock on Opeongo
Mozhabong Lake - view from Moose Narrows to the north2083 views
Albany River2083 views
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