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Image search results - "Gathering"
On the water day 1167 views
Group Photo176 views
Brigham Falls646 viewsBrigham Chute & Falls on The Barron River, Algonquin P.P. During the CCR Gathering, Summer 2001.
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Ben on the Barron670 views
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Merlin Taking it Easy170 viewsDan sits back 'n rests a spell
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Uneven Portage Carry153 viewsDave and Sandy experiencing a problem with portaging due to a height differential
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Hanging Around225 viewsDarren Cope, Matt Fallowfield and Rick Pargeter visiting at the Grand River gathering
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Danny and Donny139 viewsDan and Don ... just hangin' out
Cool Weather187 viewsFrost on the window ... we had some cold temperatures
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Dan, Nooner, Donny, Tony, Pat529 views
Dinner454 views
Donny Martini's222 viewsDonny manning his martini bar
Trying out the Hammock292 viewsDan (merlin) tries out Richard's new Hennessy Hammock
Suppertime288 viewsSome of the gang sitting down for supper
Double Rainbow323 viewsA nice double rainbow over Scouter Joe's
Group Photo513 views
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Host site at Ralph Bice450 views
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Gathering around the pit421 viewsHost site at the Jubilee Lake gathering
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Ralph Bice Gatherers722 viewsA group photo of all who attended the Ralph Bice Lake gathering
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Hanging out at the High Falls waterslide656 views
The Ballos Family202 viewsJim, Ethan and Madeleine get ready to go our for a paddle
Sunset Paddle197 viewsA warm, clear day and a great sunset also. Nothing like an evening paddle on perfectly calm water.
Digeridoo377 viewsHow often do you get serenaded by a digeridoo player at the campfire?
Morning Mist211 viewsA frosty morning, but the payback was a nice display of mist hanging over the lake for the early part of the day.
Morning Temperature143 viewsNice weather most of the time, but we had one cool night - frost on everything when we woke up.
Beachcomber202 viewsSandy playing at the beach at the group campsite - Grundy Lake
The Flotilla Heads Out210 viewsThe gang head out for a day trip around the chain of lakes in Grundy Provincial Park.
Dan Sailing156 viewsDan Thomsen shows off his canoe sailing skills
Tony Snoozing162 viewsTony recovering from his long drive up to the gathering.
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Paddling into the canyon622 views
37 files on 2 page(s) 1