Image search results - "campsite" |

Campsite on Blackfly Island, Charpentier River696 views
Date added=Jan 18, 2008 0668LK_[261.2]_French_people_at_the_waterfall.jpg](albums/userpics/10087/thumb_0668LK_%5B261.2%5D_French_people_at_the_waterfall.jpg)
Campsite at the waterfall on Moisie River867 viewsAs we were approaching waterfall at km 262, we noticed smoke rising on the right side. There is a campsite at the end of the portage and there we found a group of 8 canoeists from France. They spoke very little English and we spoke very little French. Quiet deep canyon on Moisie They travelled in 4 funny looking SEPAL canoes (fiberglass). Guy called Jean has a form for it in Charlevoix, QC. Such canoe is capable of carrying 5 big barrels. They were taking 3 weeks paddling through Carheil (Fermont, QC start)
Date added=Jan 18, 2008 1152LK_[161.8]_Unloading_at_the_campsite.jpg](albums/userpics/10087/thumb_1152LK_%5B161.8%5D_Unloading_at_the_campsite.jpg)
Moisie - Unloading at the campsite521 viewsCampsite on island at km 162, past confluence with Caopacho River.,66+17+26.41W&t=h&z=12

McConnell Bay1027 viewsSand beach at the large campsite on McConnell Bay, Chiniguchi route.

Looking downstream from the campsite138 viewsA shot of the Grand RIver looking downstream from the SOG(GY)'05 campsite.