Image search results - "creek" |

Grants Creek Put-in184 viewsGrants Creek Put-in off Hwy 17

Steep Rocky portage to Spencers Lake177 viewsSteep Rocky portage to Spencers Lake

Grants Creek Marsh to Spencers Lake portage123 viewsTypical of portages on this route.

Grants Creek Liftover out of Pooh Lake157 viewsEasy liftover? Keep going, there are more to enjoy on this route.

Garreau Lake to Mackey Creek Old Road222 viewsGarreau Lake to Mackey Creek Old Road--yah, there's a road under there.

Grants Creek/Pooh Lake/Chateau Lake Route Map254 viewsTaken from MNR: whose site says, “If credit is given and Crown copyright is acknowledged, the materials may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes”. I have marked in my route information in bright pink or black.

Hawaiian Night257 viewsSmokey, TonyCC and Georgi socializing on Hawaiian night at Nitro Creek

Jim and Ethan at Hawaiian Night220 viewsJim and Ethan dress up for the party on Hawaiian night at Deep Freeze '05. A great party.

Thawing the Beer162 viewsThawing some of the beer in front of the wood stove - it had frozen solid overnight.

Loon Creek Lillypads536 viewsFarm Creek between Island Lk and Loon Lk ( aka Loon Creek) July 2004

Mackey Creek Upstream to McKenna Lake221 viewsMackey Creek Upstream to McKenna Lake

Mackey Creek Downstream to Dunlop Lake264 viewsMackey Creek downstream to Dunlop Lake near where the old road from Garreau Lake ends.