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Thunderstorm628 viewsIsland Lake
Winner of the July 2010 Photo Contest627 views
Billy Can Tin Pot626 views
Go home lake625 viewsLooking from our site on Go home Lake, Ontario
French River, Blue Chute Gathering 2000624 views
Paddling into the canyon624 views
Riv. Haute-Lievre622 viewsS IV
Eramosa River, Good Friday 2009621 views
Ready to Glass the inside620 views
upper gate620 views
10 Foot playboat619 views10 foot playboat of my own design (for better or worse!) ready to start stripping. Filler project between other stuff so I'm not expecting rapid progress.
on Portage Ten Mile Lake to Ezma619 views
Jim diving at High Falls waterslide618 views
Farm Creek618 views
Caterpillar II ledge, Charpentier River618 views
Oxford Lake617 views
No Name rapid - Ashuapmushuan616 views
Rapid - Ashuapmushuan614 views
Replacing ribs and plank614 views16 ft Chestnut Pal
Easter on the Rouge, between the 401 and the Lake613 viewsKinda bleak - but the local beaver is not bothered by that and cuts his trees anytime he feels like it
portage - with sawdust to smoothen the surface613 viewsprobably done by ATV crowd, to fill in soil that has eroded due to motorized use
Winisk River612 viewsLimestone Rapids. A lone canoe on a big river.
steak!612 viewsi love steak on a camping trip
Chris In Poison Ivy611 views
Halfway Lake PP #1611 views
Home Made Anorak - the Front Pocket610 viewsJust as we started to put it together. The two sides will easily each hold a large leather mitt. The little pockets on the front were designed to hold odds 'n ends like matches, a compass, fire starters, etc.
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